Sunday, March 16, 2008

Return of Spreading freedom and liberty as only Americans can. Or at least only as Americans do.

The Red Cross says that Iraq is now in worse shape than it was under Saddam:
Iraq is now in a "worse shape" than it was under Saddam Hussein, with millions living without even the most basic medical care or access to clean water.

This is despite five years of military operations which have cost hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, 135 British personnel killed and £6.4bn of taxpayers' money.

The grim picture emerged as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) published a report warning that Iraqi hospitals were still lacking beds, drugs and medical staff, while the poor public water supply has forced some families to use at least one-third of their average monthly income buying clean drinking water.

"Five years after the outbreak of the war in Iraq, the humanitarian situation in most of the country remains among the most critical in the world," it said, describing Iraq's healthcare system as "now in worse shape than ever".

It warned that those who had fled their homes during the conflict remained extremely vulnerable.

This article has a little more to say about the health care:
Iraqi hospitals are among the hardest hit, with many lacking qualified staff, basic drugs and facilities that are not properly maintained, the Red Cross said. Public hospitals only provide 30,000 beds — less than half of the 80,000 needed.

With an average daily wage of less than $5, few Iraqis can afford to seek help in private clinics where consultations cost from $2 to $7.

The Red Cross said Iraqi officials estimate that more than 2,200 doctors and nurses have been killed and more than 250 kidnapped since 2003. Of the 34,000 doctors registered in 1990, at least 20,000 have left the country.


Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say ameriki now the big problem.

economical to destroying each day worse. ameriki so fat and each day just wanting the sex pill and new refrigerator for more him poison food also to make fattest.

this to punishing for the cruel and killing but ameriki not to caring how many to die each day. just the fat eating more and act the little pig.

the payback it bitch. soon ameriki to lose own country? fight with aztec for scrap food?

most big problem of usa: control media keep him people the stupid and pacify-also the ignorant.

usa need each tv and radio station in usa be own 100% by local resident of area serve, nobody to owning more than the 1% stock and abolish tv network monopoly. then to breaking newspaper monopolies. then free press in usa and neocon to losing the control of ua and disinfo agents to move back to israel.

also so ashame for ameriki: him woman slut have LBT (low back tattoo) and son the gay homosexual use hair gel. wife to hate man and hate the cook food and hate the grandchilds and loving to kill abortion baby.
ameriki man him lose the gonad. this also the punish.

Skemono said...

also so ashame for ameriki: him woman slut have LBT (low back tattoo) and son the gay homosexual use hair gel. wife to hate man and hate the cook food and hate the grandchilds and loving to kill abortion baby.
ameriki man him lose the gonad. this also the punish.

I was with you up until here. Now all I have to say is, to hell with you and your misogynistic, homophobic ways. Having a tattoo does not make one a "slut". Many men use hair gel who aren't gay--or are you saying that "real men" must look like crap? Or for that matter, that gay men are prissy (feminine) people concerned with their appearance? This is also not true.

It would be stupid to say that all wives hate cooking food. However, they should hate having to cook, and the expectation that because they are female they must be the ones to do the cooking. What's wrong? Are you big, tough men incapable of handling the kitchen?

And there isn't a woman in America who loves to get abortions. That's foolish. Getting an abortion is not a choice made lightly, nor is it an easy experience. It's often traumatic, thanks in large part to moralizing assholes like you who think they can tell women what to do with their lives. Hell, just getting to an abortion clinic entails fighting your way through a crowd of people shrieking at you that you're going to hell, that you're a murderer, that you're a slut. Oh yeah--women love going through that.