Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Yeah, I skipped them.

There was a job fair today, so I spent some of last night (technically this morning) looking at the websites of the companies that would be represented. That way I could see who was looking for what, decide which booths to visit and which to avoid, etc.

In the course of my investigation, I looked at the web site of Alliance Group Technologies. It is hideous. The thing looks like something a thirteen year-old might put on their beginner's Geocities account, complete with the same insipid GIFs repeated throughout the page, and blinking text. Here, see for yourself.

That really didn't give me confidence in them as a company. If I had remembered which booth they were, I might have chewed out their representative. Even without the sophomoric images and blinking text that's an ugly layout, but with them it's just painful.

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