Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Well, I've been doing this multiple times to get a letter that really amused me... I kept giving people porn, which for some reason counted against me. I don't get that--isn't gift-giving a good thing? Same thing with Dutch ovens.
Stupid Santa.

But I finally got a good letter:

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

Last week I ruled Iran as a cruel and heartless dictator (-700 points). In April droug and I donated clothes to the needy (11 points). Last Monday I gave deborajoy a Dutch Oven (-10 points). In January I gave wildaugust a kidney (1000 points). Last Sunday I helped kangrado hide a body (-173 points).

Overall, I've been nice (128 points). For Christmas I deserve an Easy-Bake Oven!


Write your letter to Santa! Enter your LJ username:

Apparently giving one person a kidney is better than oppressing an entire country for a week.
They never say that it was my kidney that I gave up, after all... cause last I checked, I still had all my organs.

Except a toenail. But that's not an organ.

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