Thursday, November 24, 2005

I am so fucking pissed off at this, I can barely unclench my mouth:

The state’s gay marriage panel will recommend that New Hampshire’s same sex couples be denied legal status, and be allowed only a minimum of the benefits available to married heterosexual couples, according to a draft report obtained by The Associated Press.

Representing the commission’s conservative majority, the draft concludes that same sex marriage is not a right, because homosexuality is a choice, not a genetic predisposition. The report’s authors also said the absence of any mention of gay marriage in New Hampshire’s history weakened proponents’ arguments for it.


The final version of the report, which is undergoing minor revisions, is to be released to the Legislature on Dec. 1.


The report’s authors, representing the majority views of Sen. Jack Barnes, Reps. Paul Brassard, Tony Soltani, Maureen Mooney, public member Jack Fredyma and former state Sen. Russell Prescott, acknowledge that it’s up to elected officials and the public to decide how same sex couples should be treated in New Hampshire. But they say gay marriage is not a civil rights issue, and has no similarity to the fight to legalize interracial marriage nearly 30 years ago.

"Race unlike sexual orientation is ... immutable and an innate characteristic and not something that is acquired and changeable," reads the draft report.

"Merry Christmas! You're perverted trash that don't deserve happiness!
We're going after those filthy kikes' marriages next."

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