Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday Dead Racist Blogging: Yes, 'Nilotic' is a Real Word Edition

Since last week's post touched on Egypt and black civilizations, I figured I ought to share with y'all James Denson Sayer's views on Egypt.

Not that Sayers is even all that interesting a dead racist, but I'm using an illustration from his book for my banner, so I may as well do some more posts on him.

Anyway. From Can the White Race Survive?'s chapters on Egypt

Pages 52-53:
The ancient Greeks originated the story that the Egyptian civilization was the work of Negroes. The repetition of that mistake is still heard. It is especially popular with Negrophilists and with negro leaders who like to delude themselves and others into the belief that the Black peoples have had a share--and, in the case of Egypt, a most brilliant share--in creating civilization. The Greeks first began to come into contact with the inhabitants of the Delta and lower Nile valley many hundreds of years before Christ. No doubt when the vigorous pre-historic Hellenes first debouched upon the most southerly fingers of European land and struck out upon the waters of the Mediterranean, they made up a goodly portion of the strange "sea peoples" who in middle and late dynastic times were mentioned by Egyptian records.

In those early times the Greeks, being a highly imaginative and poetic stock, listened with rapt interest to all the legendary stories in this new found land of surpassing wonders. Among those legends were those of mixed historical truth that the builders of Egypt came up during the dim past "from the south." In the far away South was the land of Nubia and the fantastic realms of gold and ivory extending beyond in almost unlimited extent. As the strange black-skinned natives of Nubia and of the still more unknown region of far distant Yam were so different to the fair-skinned wandered from the North, themselves, it was easy for them to couple the legends of the Egyptians with the belief that the Nilotic civilization had its origin with a black people. Such a belief was planted in their records and held a place in the consideration of serious scholars until very recent times.

It remained for the indefatigable archaeologists of the late 19th Century to begin the unearthing of proof to the contrary. And not only have these persistent delvers for records of the misty past age brought forth proof that the marvellous [sic] civilization of ancient Egypt was the work of a White race, but they have gone further and pictured for us the spectacle of that brilliant page of Man's achievement being destroyed by the slow, but deadly infiltration of negroid mixture into the body of the populace.

Page 59 (yes, he really did write that sentence in all caps--that's how you know he's a serious scholar):
I wish to first establish the fact that the ancient Egyptians, those responsible for perhaps the greatest of the earlier examples of civilization, were White. Then I will show that in spite of numerous setbacks through their long history, they always came back to hurdle all obstacles and build again, often more brilliantly than before, up until near the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty when the final, irretrievable submergence occurred. IT WAS NOT UNTIL THEN THAT THE BLOOD OF THE NEGRO HAD SEEPED SO THOROUGHLY INTO THE BODY OF THE PEOPLE THAT FOR THE FIRST TIME A NEGROID PHARAOH, TAHARKA, OCCUPIED THE THRONE.

Recall that Taharqa was the son of Piye, the Nubian king who conquered Egypt.

Pages 59-61 are him quoting G. Elliot Smith to show that Nubian civilization (Kush) was created by whites, and fell into a slump when polluted by Negro blood:
"The recently acquired knowledge of the early ethnography of Nubia, which has been rescued in the course of the Archaeological Survey of that country, has familiarized us with an epoch that lasted until about 2,800 B.C., when Egypt and Lower Nubia were occupied by one uniform population in the same stage of culture. But from the time of the Third Dynasty onwards a great contrast becomes apparent in the development of the two countries, respectively, North and South of the First Cataract.

"When this information first came to light (see First Bulletin of the Archaeological Survey of Nubia, 1908) it was interpreted as meaning that while Egypt advanced with rapid strides towards the attainment of her greatest artistic and cultural triumphs, Nubia not only failed to keep pace with her, but actually fell away from the standard of knowledge and skill she had possessed before the times of the Pyramid-builders. This was further explained by the hypothesis that in the competition for the acquirement of the fat lands of Egypt only the weaker brethren were left in Nubia; and these feeble folks were unable to resist the immigration of Negroes, who came up from the South, intermingled with them, and dragged down their cultural attainments to a lower place.

"A more detailed study of the human remains obtained from graves made in Lower Nubia at the time of the Ancient Empire in Egypt has convinced me that a slightly different explanation must be found to account for the known facts.

"In the first place practically no pure Negroes were found amongst the remains of these people buried in Nubia during the Ancient Empire, although the population as a whole bears ample evidence of Negro admixture. Presumably this means that the process of mixing did not take place in Nubia, but further South; and that it was the mongrel population and not the Negro element only that came North into Nubia. The difference in culture was not the result of a falling away from a higher standard, but was due in all probability to the fact that the less favorably placed kinsmen of the Proto-Egyptians had not kept pace with them in their acquirement of a higher civilization.

"Less than a millenium later another wave of kinsmen of the Proto-Egyptians moved North in Nubia. They were more strongly negroid than their predecessors, and brought with them a culture more definitely specialized and differentiated from that of Egypt, and more obviously tainted with African influence. . . ."

There could have been but one reason for this weakening of the buffer land between Egypt proper and the land of the Negroes, whether Mr. Smith realized it or not, and that was the swelling tide of negroid blood.

As he says on pages 69-70, even the ancient Egyptians realized that blacks shouldn't be let into the country for fear that miscegenation would destroy their cherished Southern Nilotic civilization:
By the time of the reign of Sesostris III in this 12th Dynasty, we find an indication that the Pharaoh had learned to fear infiltration of the Negroes into the population and took measures to prevent it. Breasted translates the First Semneh. He says:

"Sesostris III, having, in his 8th year, pushed his Southern advance above the Second Cataract to a point about thirty-seven miles South of Wadi Halfa, set up his landmark, the stone marking the Southern boundary of his realm. His great grandfather, Sesostris I, had already conquered to this point, but Sesostris III was now prepared to maintain the conquest." Then comes the translation of the Stela: "Southern boundary, made in the year 8, under the majesty of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Khekure (Sesostris III) who is given life forever and ever; in order to prevent that any Negro should cross it, by water or by land, with a ship (or) any herds of the Negroes; except a Negro who shall come to do trading in Iken (Ykn), or with a commission. Every good thing shall be done with them, but without allowing a ship of the Negroes to pass by Heh, going downstream forever."

This supposed injunction against Negro immigration into Egypt was also found in Josiah Nott and George Gliddon's Types of Mankind, which was itself quoted by Lindley Spring's The Negro at Home.

And those Nubians would never have been able to conquer Egypt if they hadn't already been destroyed by miscegenation! Pages 79-80:
The petty bickerings among the little kinglets in the Delta and further up the valley during the 22nd and 23rd Dynasties reveal the fact that by 800 B.C. even the Delta had no more of the oldtime spirit of revival or resurgence of greatness. There may have been some few families of the upper classes into whose veins the negroid element had not infused its blood, but it was not so with the masses. A Thuthmose III or a Ramses II could not have taken tin and beaten it into gold. The metal with which to work had mixed into its grain a clinging element which could never be eliminated.

We come to the time of Ethiopian supremacy. This submission by the people of the Valley to Nubian overlordship would never had been had not the population in almost its entirety become mongrel. A branch of the Amonite priesthood had built up a theocracy at Napata in Nubia. It gradually evolved into a self-styled Kingdom of Egypt, claiming to rule all Egypt, arrogating to itself all the Pharaonic titles for its king. ...

And of course, when the Negroes took control, everything went to hell. Although theoretically it was already ruined by the negro blood from before, but... um... yeah, don't ask. Page 81:
... When Taharka, succeeding Shabataka, ascended the throne at Tanis, we find him bringing his Negress mother there to be hailed with regal splendor as the queen-mother.

The material prosperity of Egypt, started nearly three thousand years before by the great old race of builders, was now throttled by the inability of the people and their incapable rulers to even maintain what they had inherited, much less build more. The irrigation canals were filling up and being abandoned to ruin, and other engineering works inherited by the now negroid inhabitants were not continued; its roads were unprotected, intercourse between communities became unsafe, productive capacity of the country rapidly waned and the once buoyant foreign commerce entirely disappeared.

And he concludes, on pages 85-86, by trying to tie this sham history into the U.S. circa 1929:
The only hope--if they were only capable of realizing it--of the present polyglot population of Egypt for unbroken peace and prosperity lies in the continued suzerainty of a strong White Power, just as will have to be adopted for all the rest of the mongrelized world-parts as time proves their inability to govern themselves.

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