Thursday, July 20, 2006

From a May 15, 1983 New York Times article:

A number of Canadian writers have been debunking the view that Canadian Governments have almost always been well-meaning, fair and incorruptible, somehow purer than those in the United States.

In one of the most successful of these books, "But Not In Canada," Walter Stewart, a Canadian journalist, gives a systematic account of little-known Candian actions and policies that contradict the comfortable national image. Among these, Mr. Stewart describes immigration policies that excluded Chinese, Japanese, East Indians and Jews. He tells of how some 34,000 Canadians of Japanese ancestry were banished from British Columbia at the start of World War II -- dispossessed, disenfranchised, interned and later scattered about the country, and not permitted to return to British Columbia until five years after the end of the war. His conclusion is that the treatment of Japanese-Canadians during that period was even harsher than that of the Japanese-Americans who were rounded up and placed in internment camps after Pearl Harbor. Moreover, unlike the Japanese in the United States, the Japanese-Canadians have yet to receive formal apologies or legal redress for their injuries.

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