The publishing company that owns the Curious George image says it is considering legal action to stop the sale of a T-shirt depicting Barack Obama as the monkey from children's books.
The T-shirts are being peddled by Marietta bar owner Mike Norman at his Mulligan's Bar and Grill in Cobb County. They show a picture of Curious Georgie peeling a banana, with the words "Obama '08" underneath.
Norman has said he got the T-shirts from someone in Arkansas. He started selling them at his bar -- known for the provocative, ultra-conservative political slogans often posted on signs out front -- in April but said he has no plans to mass market them.
The sales came to light this week when a loose coalition of local groups called a protest of the T-shirts.
About a dozen protestors rallied against the shirts Tuesday afternoon, condemning them as racist and asking Norman to stop selling them.
Norman acknowledged the imagery's Jim Crow roots but said he sees nothing wrong with depicting a prominent African-American as a monkey.
"We're not living in the (19)40's," he said. "Look at him . . . the hairline, the ears -- he looks just like Curious George."
Of course! We're not in '40s, therefore racist imagery isn't racist anymore! Because everyone knows that all racism ended in the '40s!
And a picture of the shirt:

I posted elsewhere that surely there can be no harm in associating a black person with a monkey in Georgia? Can't see how that's racist, nope.
The comment that tickled me was the twerp who retreats to Mulligans because "Here I don't have to worry about offending anyone," or similar sentiments. And I wondered just how daft is this person that everywhere else he goes he has to worry about offending someone?
Presumably he's the sort of idiot who still spells "negro" with a double g.
surely there can be no harm in associating a black person with a monkey in Georgia? Can't see how that's racist, nope.
Of course not. Back in the '40s, maybe, but now? Everyone's past all that.
The comment that tickled me was the twerp who retreats to Mulligans because "Here I don't have to worry about offending anyone," or similar sentiments.
Yeah, that was pretty crazy. I read it as "I don't have to worry about offending anyone here because we still don't let niggers in."
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