Friday, April 4, 2008

Number one threat: bears

Last night on his CNN Headline News show, right-wing pundit Glenn Beck hosted global warming skeptic Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK). Beck allowed Inhofe to rant about how — with "all the liberals" running the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works — he was forced to sit through hearings on "that nice white fuzzy polar bear."

Inhofe argued that the polar bear population isn't endangered. "[I]f anything, it's an overpopulation problem," said Inhofe. Beck then jumped in and claimed that, in fact, the extinction of polar bears may be a good thing:

They eat people! For the love of Pete, they're big, angry bears. They eat people. Not that I say we go out and kill all of them, but I mean, it doesn't seem to be a problem here. Senator, I can't take the — I can't take the lies anymore.

So apparently the only animals relevant to an ecosystem and worth saving are cute fuzzy ones that don't in any way threaten people?

Although really, I'm pretty sure that "people" isn't big on the diet of polar bears.

1 comment:

Charles Céleste Hutchins said...

Soylent™ Bear Chow is people!!!