Monday, August 20, 2007

"My guilty plea is not an admission of wrongdoing"

A couple days old, but here's a tidbit: remember how Bush used to have demonstrators barred from "public" events, or arrested if they showed up wearing anti-Bush t-shirts (or even disparaging bumper stickers)? Well, there was recently a settlement for one such event from 2004:
A couple arrested at a rally after refusing to cover T-shirts that bore anti-President Bush slogans settled their lawsuit against the federal government for $80,000, the American Civil Liberties Union announced Thursday.

Nicole and Jeffery Rank of Corpus Christi, Texas, were handcuffed and removed from the July 4, 2004, rally at the state Capitol, where Bush gave a speech. A judge dismissed trespassing charges against them, and an order closing the case was filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Charleston.


The front of the Ranks' homemade T-shirts bore the international symbol for "no" superimposed over the word "Bush." The back of Nicole Rank's T-shirt said "Love America, Hate Bush." On the back of Jeffery Rank's T-shirt was the message "Regime Change Starts at Home."

However, don't think that this means Bush has learned anything:
White House spokesman Blair Jones said the settlement was not an admission of wrongdoing.

"The parties understand that this settlement is a compromise of disputed claims to avoid the expenses and risks of litigation and is not an admission of fault, liability, or wrongful conduct," Jones said.

Right. "We trampled freedom of speech, but we never did anything wrong."

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