Thursday, May 24, 2007

Conspiracy theory run amok

Oh dear lord.
I cannot believe Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction before we invaded in 2003. It makes much more sense that President Bush found it easier to deny their existence than to admit what happened to them. And it is harming our direction and focus as a nation to not admit what really happened.

So the meme is spreading. How the hell do these people rationalize such blatant conspiracy theories? "My previously-formed conclusions can't be wrong, so all of reality must be in on a huge hoax to hide the evidence to make me look foolish." To hell with what the experts have known for years!
During the great U.S. military motorcade to capture Baghdad, I remember reports of traces of poisonous material found in the river just north of Baghdad. A military unit, with a Fox News reporter embedded, took the canvas off a trailer and found missiles. Several miles south of Baghdad, troops found a double-barbed wire perimeter that appeared to be a previous bunker for WMDs.

Really? Poisonous material--in a river? I'm sure you'd never find something like that in any rivers of ours.

And even if we are to trust this second-hand Fox news story, what of it? Iraq had missiles; big deal. Were they operational? Were there any traces of WMDs on them? Were they even equipped to carry WMDs? What sort of range did they have? I'd be willing to bet they were nothing we didn't realize he had, and no real sort of threat to us.
I've heard from credible personal contacts that our military operated commando-style operations in several Mideastern countries, destroying chemical weapons being produced in remote labs.

I spent several years in the news business, enough to know that truth doesn't always come out immediately, although it ultimately tends to. I also believe that truth resonates. And mistruths, even told for good reason, cause confusion.

Uh-huh. Of course you've "heard from credible personal contacts" things that U.N. investigators couldn't find--you are the sole buoy of truth in a sea of propaganda, lies, and cover-ups! But hey, aside from Fox news reporters, look who else this man finds "credible":
Recently, Rush Limbaugh mentioned that it was easier for the Bush administration to not admit the existence of WMDs because it might harm our relations with Russia. David Limbaugh has said basically the same thing to me personally. They don't seem to realize how much this white lie is blunting our national will on fighting terrorism. Please demand that the truth be told.

"Harm our relations with Russia"? Since when did Bush give a damn about other our relationships with other countries?

You want the truth, Mr. Keller? It's obvious you can't handle the truth, but here it is anyways: if we had found WMD, Bush and company would be shouting it from the damned rooftops because it would prove they were "right". Rick Santorum and Peter Hoekstra were just last year triumphantly crowing that we had indeed found chemical weapons in Iraq--500 of them, and more to come! And we're expected to believe that if actual evidence existed, those who would have everything to gain from this knowledge would keep silent about it?

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