Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Next, a push for a National White History Month

Hoo boy. Georgia, like Missouri, is being pushed to pass a resolution apologizing for its role in slavery, a proposal that's not being met with a warm reception. However, another proposal is getting some approval--it passed out of the Senate Rules committee with a unanimous vote. The resolution would declare April to be Confederate History and Heritage Month:
A panel of Georgia lawmakers signed off Thursday on a plan to create a Confederate heritage month, even as legislative leaders reacted coolly to a push to apologize for the state's role in slavery.

Sen. Jeff Mullis' bill would dub April as Confederate History and Heritage Month to honor the memory of the Confederacy and "all those millions of its citizens of various races and ethnic groups and religions who contributed in sundry and myriad ways to the cause of Southern Independence."

The unanimous vote by the Senate Rules committee — which sent the plan on to the full Senate for consideration — comes days after black lawmakers announced plans to ask the state to officially apologize for its role in slavery and segregation-era laws.


Democratic Rep. Tyrone Brooks, chairman of the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, said it's discouraging to see the Confederate month proposal moving ahead after leaders of the Republican-controlled House and Senate said they're not in favor of apologizing for slavery.


The state's branch of the NAACP called the push for a Confederate month hypocritical.

"Although the supporters of the Confederate history bill feel responsible to honor the past deeds of their ancestors through official governmental action, they resist all notions that they have any responsibility to apologize to their ancestors' victims through official governmental action," said Edward Dubose, president of the group's Georgia chapter. "That reeks of hypocrisy."

Compiling a list of "all those ... various races and ethnic groups ... who contributed in sundry and myriad ways to the cause of Southern Independence" may be kinda hard, so let me help the Georgia legislature out:
  • Whites
  • ...

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