Monday, August 16, 2004

It was the Joooos!

This happened a while ago, but I'm gonna write about it now because I can. And you're helpless to stop me.

Mordechai Vanunu (man who reported Israel's nuclear capabilities to the world), finally released from prison, recently said in an interview that according to "near-certain indications", JFK was assassinated because of / by Israel.

This was posted at the HonestReporting website's blog, MediaBackspin, in a rather derisive fashion. Someone commented in response, "Mossad is one of the few organizations never been under serious scrutiny for the assassination" (grammatical ineptitude in the original).

I clicked the link.
I read what it had to say.
I was not impressed.

So I posted in response:

I followed your link, and I fail to see any case; nothing but innuendo and insinuation. The entire theory boils down to "Ben-Gurion didn't like Kennedy's opposition to his ideas; Israel suddenly received aid from LBJ it didn't get under JFK; so Israel must have killed JFK".

JFK never made good on his promise to pass the Civil Rights Act. But under LBJ, it did pass.
Therefore, by your logic, Martin Luther King Jr. is just as likely a suspect as Ben-Gurion.

There were no other comments.

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